If you are trying to transfer your domain name to another domain registrar and you get the following error message - "Domain is not Eligible for Transfer", it usually means

that the domain name you are trying to transfer is not currently able and/or eligible to be transferred, for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. There is currently an outstanding fee on the domain; or if an outstanding fee has recently been paid, then the domain can only be transferred after the 6th day of the month following when payment was made.

  2. The domain is new: If the domain was recently registered or transferred, there is a 30-day waiting period before it can be transferred again.

  3. The domain is locked: If the domain is locked, either by the current registrar or the registry, it cannot be transferred until it is unlocked. You can log in to your account with your current domain registrar in order to unlock the domain; however if your domain is subject to a 60-day transfer lock, then unlocking it will not allow you to immediately transfer the domain to another registrar. You will need to wait until the 60-day lock period has expired before you can initiate the transfer.

  4. Domain contact information is incorrect: If the contact information for the domain is incorrect or out of date, then the transfer may be blocked until the information is updated.

  5. The domain is in the middle of a dispute: If the domain is currently in the middle of a legal dispute, the transfer may be blocked until the dispute is resolved.

  6. The domain is within its anniversary period, which is 3 days prior to its expiration up to the 6th day of the following month.

If you are receiving this error message, you should check with your current domain registrar to see if there are any restrictions or issues preventing the transfer.

More information can be found Icann.org website