How to Intergrate Google Calendar with Your Domain Email Address

If your website is hosted by Rackzar, you can use Google Calendar to send meeting invitations using your domain email address.
It's simple to set up and works well with any email address associated with your domain on Rackzar client zone.
You don't need to use GSuite or a Gmail address for this.


Create a Google Calendar account


Step 1: Browse to

Step 2: Please input your first name, last name, and password. You'll need to confirm your password by entering it again.

Step 3: In the "Username" section, choose "Use my current email instead." Create a Google Account using your domain email address (e.g., Make sure not to create a new Gmail account.

Step 4: A verification code will be sent to your email. Find the verification email, copy the code, and return to the Google webpage to paste the code in the provided field. Click Verify.

Step 5: Provide your personal information and click Next.

Step 6: Agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Step 7: Go to and set up the new calendar using your domain email address. Confirm that your domain email address is visible on the top right of the Google screen.


You have successfully created a Google Calendar account with your domain email address.

Any invitations sent from your Google Calendar will now appear to come from your domain email address.

You’ve successfully created a Google Calendar account using your domain email address.

Any invites sent from your Google Calendar will now originate from your domain email address.