How to Install Windows Server on Your Dedicated Server

This KB article provides a step-by-step guide on installing the Windows operating system on your dedicated server


Step 1: Open Your Web Browser and Navigate to the Client Area URL


To access the client area, follow these steps:

  1. Launch your preferred web browser.

  2. In the address bar, type or copy-paste the following URL:

  3. Press "Enter" or "Return" on your keyboard to load the webpage.

You should now be directed to the login page of the client area. 




Step 2: Click on "Services" in the Left-hand Menu

Follow these steps to navigate to the "Services" section:

  1. After logging in to the client area, locate the left-hand menu.

  2. Within the menu, find and click on the "Services" option. It may be listed under a navigation section labelled "Dashboard" or similar.

Once clicked, you will be directed to the "Services" page, where you can manage your subscriptions and view details about your services.





Step 3: Click on the "Manage" Button

To proceed with managing your service, follow these instructions:

  1. After accessing the "Services" page, locate the service you wish to manage.

  2. Within the row corresponding to the desired service, you will find a "Manage" button.

  3. Click on the "Manage" button associated with the service you want to modify.

Upon clicking the "Manage" button, you will be directed to the management interface for the selected service.





Step 4: Select Windows Version

Follow these steps to choose your preferred Windows version:

  1. Locate and click on the Windows icon.

  2. A drop down menu will appear with various Windows versions listed.

  3. Choose your preferred Windows version from the dropdown menu.

Selecting your desired Windows version will ensure that the system installs the operating system according to your specifications. Once you've made your selection, proceed with the next steps as needed.





Step 5: Set administrator Password and Start Reinstallation

Proceed with the following steps to set a root password and start the reinstallation process:

  1. Scroll down the management interface until you reach the "Configure System" section.

  2. Within this section, locate the option labelled "Set Root Password."

  3. Enter your administrator password in the provided field.

  4. After setting the administrator password, locate and click the "Start Reinstallation" button.

Clicking the "Start Reinstallation" button will initiate the reinstallation process with the newly configured settings. Please be patient as the process may take some time. Avoid interrupting the process until it finishes successfully.


Step 6: Initiate Installation

To proceed with the installation, follow these steps:

  1. After setting the root password and starting the reinstallation process, locate the "Start Installation" button.

  2. Click on the "Start Installation" button to initiate the installation process.

Once clicked, the installation process will commence. Please wait patiently for the process to complete. Avoid interrupting the process until it finishes successfully.




Step 7: Monitor Provisioning Status

While the system is provisioning, it's important to observe the status and refrain from interrupting the process. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Keep an eye on the provisioning status displayed on the screen. This may include progress indicators, status messages, or a loading animation.

  2. During provisioning, refrain from clicking on the "Cancel Process" button or any other actions that may disrupt the provisioning.

  3. Please be aware that the provisioning process may take up to 30 minutes to complete, depending on various factors such as system resources and network speed.

  4. Allow sufficient time for the provisioning to finish without interruption.

Note: Interrupting the provisioning process by clicking 'Cancel Process' may disrupt the installation and lead to incomplete setup.

Once the provisioning process is complete, you'll be notified, and your system will be ready for use.

