Using FTP to upload and manage files with FileZilla


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

FileZilla is a free, open-source FTP client that can be used to connect to your hosting account and upload or download files. In this article, we will guide you through the process of using FileZilla to connect to your hosting account and transfer files.

Step 1: Download and install FileZilla To get started, you will need to download and install FileZilla. It can be downloaded from the official website at

Step 2: Open FileZilla and connect to your hosting account

Once you have installed FileZilla, open the application. In the top-left corner of the FileZilla window, you will see the "Host," "Username," and "Password" fields.
You will need to enter the following information to connect to your hosting account:

        • Host: This is the address of your hosting account, usually in the format of
        • Username: This is the username that you use to log into your hosting account
        • Password: This is the password that you use to log into your hosting account

Once you have entered the correct information, click the "Quickconnect" button. FileZilla will now connect to your hosting account.


Step 3: Uploading and downloading files

Once you are connected to your hosting account, you will see two main areas in the FileZilla window.
The left area shows the files on your local computer, and the right area shows the files on the remote server.
To upload a file, simply drag and drop the file from the left area to the right area.
To download a file, simply drag and drop the file from the right area to the left area.

Step 4: Managing files

FileZilla also allows you to perform various file management tasks, such as creating new directories, renaming files, and deleting files.
To create a new directory, right-click in the right area of the FileZilla window and select "Create directory."
To rename a file, right-click on the file and select "Rename." To delete a file, right-click on the file and select "Delete."

In conclusion, FileZilla is a powerful and easy-to-use FTP client that can be used to connect to your hosting account and transfer files.
By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to use FileZilla to upload, download, and manage files on your hosting account with ease.