Step 1

Log in to your cPanel. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest method is to log in to your Client Area and open your cPanel.




Step 2
Once your cPanel opens, locate the ‘DOMAINS’ section and click the Domains icon.



Step 3

Click on the "Create A New Domain" button.



Step 4
Enter the following information:

    • Domain: Enter the add-on domain that you want to add.
    • Document Root: Leave the checkbox for the "Share document root" option unchecked.
    • Home Icon: Choose a subdirectory in your account’s home directory (above public_html). This subdirectory will store your add-on domain’s files.

Click the "Submit" button. The add-on domain will be created.

From the cPanel > Domains area, you can see the list of add-on domains under your main account. You can manage or delete these add-on domains as needed.
